
Birthday Party Amsterdam Arrangements

3 results found

Go to "Children’s party HIP HIP HURRAY"

Children’s party HIP HIP HURRAY

2 activities of 1 hour, a bag of chips and unlimited lemonade.

  • 3 hour
  • from 6

from 50,04 p.p. Starting price, per person.

Children's Party Hip Hip Hurray
Go to "Children’s party HIP HIP"

Children’s party HIP HIP

1 activity of 1 hour + 1 activity of 0,5 hour, bag of chips and unlimited lemonade.

  • 2,5 hour
  • from 6

from 41,32 p.p. Starting price, per person.

Arcade game Amsterdam Kinderfeestje
Go to "Children’s party HIP"

Children’s party HIP

1 activity of 1 hour, a bag of chips and unlimited lemonade.

  • 2 hour
  • from 6

from 25,02 p.p. Starting price, per person.

Children's Party Hip

The best activities you experience together

Choose one of our 3 birthday party packages

We have 3 different packages for our children’s parties in Amsterdam. Each package consists of 1 or 2 activities, unlimited lemonade and a bag of chips. The children’s party can be expanded with fries or a delicious BBQ.